We are an artistic-commercial company, based in Hamburg Germany. Exercising since 2009, the promotion, organization and creation of corporate events on board cruise ships, recreational spaces, theaters, professional art schools among others, including international flights, accommodation and incorporating exclusive Gift Events Cards for sponsorship,, donations, and Eventos organized by MelissDance Company, Havank-Meliss Pay, Providing the hiring and temporary participation of professionals and new talents in all the different sectors and activities created for each event of our commercial partners and beneficiaries according to the event in question.
Here we present you multiple Gift from multiples private business, brands company's, institution, Schools, Art company's, Events, Services, Hotel's, Restaurants and more...
Offering for free a quality services & products
If you want your family or friends to receive a free Services from Taxi Services you must send a Gift Card with a minimum from 30,00 EUR up to 700,00 EUR Paying a commission of 50,00€. And Havank-Meliss Pay. Sponsor your Services from 5,00€ up to 10,00€.
If you want your family or friends to receive a free Services from Bar-Restaurant St. Pauli you must send a Gift Card with a minimum from 30,00 EUR up to 700,00 EUR Paying a commission of 50,00€. And Havank-Meliss Pay. Sponsor your Reservation from 5,00€ up to 10,00€.
If you want your family or friends to receive a free Services from Bar-Cafeteria M'KA you must send a Gift Card with a minimum from 30,00 EUR up to 700,00 EUR Paying a commission of 50,00€. And Havank-Meliss Pay. Sponsor your Reservation from 5,00€ up to 10,00€.
If you want your family or friends to receive a free Services from The Winds of Margarita Hotel you must send a Gift Card with a minimum from 30,00 EUR up to 700,00 EUR Paying a commission of 50,00€. And Havank-Meliss Pay. Sponsor your Reservation from 5,00€ up to 10,00€.